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Showing posts from February, 2007

Finding a black sheep

Last September, I was shocked by my passport photo. WHO'S THIS FAT LADY??!!!! Then, I rushed my hubby to buy a scale. Damn! Over 50kg! Hoe kan dat!!! I've lost all my pregnancy weight months ago. I had only 1-2 kg left to my normal weight before coming to Jeddah. So, pasti penyebabnya disini nih. Coba di-trace back. Since I arrived in June, and we didn't have any stove yet, we always dined out. "Celaka"nya all the food here are HALAL. So, we could eat all kind of food without any concern of it's halalness. And they say, as an international city, Jeddah offers a range of international food. Although we haven't explored them yet. Mainly because we don't know where's the good one ;)

Doctor, doctor, give me the news...

Baru aja sembuh dari sinusitis nih. Setelah seminggu ga sembuh2 dari pilek, tiba sakit kepala menyerang. Sakit kepala berdenyut2 5 hari ga berhenti. Ampuun! Ga bisa ngapa2in deh. Tapi jadinya pengen nulis soal pengalaman berdokter2an di negeri orang sebagai consumer yang awam dunia medis. Boleh doong ah! Agak2 shocking juga waktu pertama kali berobat di sini (Jeddah). Karena ikutan program asuransi, jadi harus datang ke RS provider. Waktu itu pas lagi sakit batuk pilek aja. Cuma batuknya ngganggu abis, n masih ga berani beli obat OTC karena masih breastfeeding. Pas di administration, ditanya mau ke dokter mana. Yah, Cuma batuk, minta GP lah. Petugas administrationnya bingung. Gue ulang, General Practioner , lah salah kali yak inggrisnya. Diulang lagi, ” General Physician? I have flu and cough” . dengan suara bindeng nan sexy. Dijawabnya “ ENT”. Lah…Kagak parah2 amat kok disuruh ke THT? Akhirnya ok lah. Ke ENT clinic deh. Pikir punya pikir, jangan2 ni rumah sakit ga punya GP? 

Baby's Day out

Last weekend on Thursday, my babies went out together. Well, not really for THE first time, but the first time for older Rafi who already knows that he's strolling outside his house. It so happened that I got this sinusitis and we needed to do some groceries. So, at around 5pm, hubby went with baby to Geant. I wonder what was in my baby's mind. Usually mommy's always around. Not today. Hubby said, he was quiet in the car. Au contraire to his routine if I was around. He'd arch his back and try to wriggle out of his car seat. He seemed to enjoy being put in the shop trolley too. Looking around little bit higher than his usual stroller. Yeaah...!!! Finally, I have a little time for myself. But, my head was aching very badly. Hey, there was Extreme Home Makeover. Haven't seen it since I left Amsterdam. Anyway, when my babies went back home, I was asking about how were people looking at them. Little bit of staring, Mukti said. AHA! That's what I thought. Li

Arabian Nights

Umm...what's so special about Arabian nights, that it was immortalised in the '1001 Arabian Nights' fairytale. In the modern version I think because in Saudi Arabia, (not in Persia, as this is my case) people live at nights! This was quite a shocking transition for me when I first got here. After setlling down with having everything closed down after 6pm in Holland, I have to reboot my routines to having everything opened after 5pm in KSA. Here, most stores open from 9am-12pm then open again from around 5 pm (or after Ashar prayer in the winter). Most small shops closed around 11 pm, big ones 12 AM, and restos 1-1.30 AM. In weekend (here weekends are Thursday and Friday. Time for Sholat Jumat), they even open up to 2 pm. More about weekends, it's family night. So only families and/or groups of women are allowed to enter the malls. So often we see groups of men debating with the security asking them to allow them enterin the mall. In Ramadhan, the opening time is