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Gondok ga sih rasanya, ngeliat anak kita 'being bullied' by other kids. Kejadian nih dua kali sama Rafi seperti itu. Kayaknya Arab boys pada suka sirik nih sama Rafi. Padahal kalo diliat, mereka itu lucu-lucu n cakep. Huh! Padahal little devil gitu. Sebel. Sementara the little girls kalo liat Rafi pengennya nyiumin. Apa mungkin itulah beda cewek n cowok? Sudah terlihat sejak kecilnya.

Jadi ceritanya yang pertama, kita lagi jalan2 ke Jeddah Mall, one of the nicest in Tahliya street (katanya sih ini jalan pengen copy Paris's Champs Elysee). Karena di tengahnya ada kolam, aku jagain Rafi deket2. Supaya dia ga nyemplung. Suddenly, out of the blue, a boy around 6-7 years old stood besides Rafi and pushed him sideways. Rafi oleng terus jatoh karena gue ga sempet lari ke dia, tapi dasar tambeng dia ga nangis. Terang aja gue pelototin tuh anak, while finger said no-no to him.

A couple minutes later, while Rafi and I were on the poolside, suddenly that little devil came again and tried to hit Rafi's head. Surely, because I was right beside Rafi, I was able to prevent that to happened by catching his hand. I even got the chance to slap him in the face. Too bad, he didn't cry! Maybe I didn't slap him hard enough, cause my hand didn't hurt. But it's enough for me.

That was one. The other one was just a week ago, when we treated Mukti's vriend from Holland in Asia Restaurant. Nice restaurant, although the spices is not "machtig". Still, we've become a regular there.

First I saw this cute little boy of 3-5 years old behind our table looking at Rafi. I thought he tried to be friendly, especially since Rafi smiled at him. After we finished eating, I took Rafi to see the aquarium outside our quarter, then I saw that boy again. This time when we were heading back to our table, the boy kicked Rafi on his ass, but his foot didn't get there, since Rafi was also moving. I was giving him a sharp look and the no finger, and my head was shaking.

I told Mukti, that we're going to the cashier, Rafi and me. So, we went out again and Rafi ran to the aquarium to see de vis. I saw the boy a bit far from Rafi, then I went back to peek the number of our table. Just then, the boy went to the walking Rafi and pushed him forward. Of course, Rafi was shaken and then lost his balance and fell to the side of a cupboard. Luckily a waiter was standing there and took Rafi's fall. If not he might hit the cupboard real hard. I was hysteric! I ran to the boy, pulled his ear while shouting "WHOSE SON IS THIS!". Everybody's eyes now on me. BAH! Then a man's head popped up in the corner and I pushed the boy to him. He mumbled, "Sorry madam. I'm sorry". I went to Rafi, held him and caressed his head, tried to feel any bump. "He was just a small baby", I replied, trembling. Yeah, that morning I was also so blue finding out that Rafi lost his weight. My little baby is so small :((

I was shaken between anger and fear. The other waiters asked what happened and I just said he pushed him toward the cupboard, and Rafi's savior pointed at the cupboard. Anyway, I haven't thanked that waiter for catching Rafi. I was shocked up until we got in the car.

When we headed out of our quarter, we strapped Rafi into his stroller. Then the man and his little devil showed up. He asked his boy to kiss Rafi. That devil said "LA!" (no) and struggled. But his dad held him and picked him up to get close to Rafi. He kissed him while I was watching with caution. His hand might have been tied, but not his head... The father apologized again and shook Mukti's hand. He also apologized to me. But I said nothing and just give him a sharp look. I was thinking, how do you teach your son to behave?

I just pray Rafi will not grow like them. I have to watch him. He was pushing away Elhamd too when they played together. Poor Rafi. He never had any friends before, so he didn't really know how to socialize. He only knows how to smile to other children. In this department, he's friendlier than me :p

So, now we're looking for a daycare for him. Not only learn how to socialize and play with other children, but this is one of our way to make him eat. Hopefully, being with his peers and seeing them eat will encourage him to do the same.


  1. just wonder are you still living in this planet or elsewhere.. hihi kacau.. kecil2 udah suka mukulin orang, apa krn outlooknya Rafi different jadi bawaannya pengen dipukul gitu ???

  2. Vic, anak bandel mah ada dimana-mana. Di Holland ada, di Indo juga ada.

    Gue juga suka sebel banget kalo ada anak orang yang badungnya minta ampun. Dalem ati suka bilang, "Orang tuanya ga ngajarin sopan santun apa yak?". Yang ada anak kita yang jadi korban.

    Laen kali kalo ada anak ngejahatin Rafi, cubit aja yang keras biar kapok. Trus bilangin bapaknya, "Ajarin anak lu yang bener!"

    Gue jadi ikutan geram baca blog elo. Soalnya Adam juga pernah dijahatin ama anak orang, mana Adam anaknya nice banget. Meskipun dijahatin orang lain, Adam enggak mau ngebales :(

  3. Oh My Gosh ! Not to be rude but after read rafi's story, my first thought was : May be that's what happened with the TKWs!! Vic, Rafi suruh balik sini tak kursusi Pencak Silat, biar bisa menghindar. Di Indo juga lagi rame kasus Bullying nih, ada anak 3 SD mati dipukulin temen2nya. Rafi so Lucky to have you as his mom !

  4. Iya Ge, gue baca tuh ceritanya. Serem amat. Kita yg setengah mati jaga, tapi kalo udah di luar rumah gitu, sapa yg ngeliatin coba? Kebayang deh sakit ati ortunya.
    Rafi tapi orgnya cuek gitu aja dikerjain org. Nanti udah agak gedean mau gue les-in jujitsu biar kyk Jet Li hehehe.

  5. Hoi Vic, gue baru baca blog elo yg ini dan kayak Novi gue jadi gemes sama anak yg badung itu! Yah hati-hatilah dikau di sana, memang kasihan anak-anak yang besar di LN, jarang banget bisa sosialisasi dg anak seumuran. Semoga little Rafi tetap sweet walau doyan jejeritan hehehe...


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