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Harry Potter and The Asia Cup

Maap yah, ini bukan judul Harry Potter ke-8, tapi cuma mau kasih contoh simple negative thinking and suudzon (excessive suspicion) itu stupid and ga guna. Have to admit, before coming here, I was a positive and optimistic person. But after a while being under opression and feeling that all doors to opportunity were shut, I become just the opposite. That's why I had Trouble in Paradise. But for the past weeks, I've begun to lift my self up with some external help.

Yang dimaksud di title di atas adalah Harry Potter ke-7 and Asia Cup football tournament yang lagi berlangsung di Indonesia.

Waktu melihat match result Indonesia - Saudi 1-2, my direct comment was, "Yah, itu mah biasa. Kalo menang malah mungkin aneh". Maklum, udah patah arang dengan Timnas Indonesia yang maennya suka ga jelas arahnya. Tapi saat ga sengaja kepencet channel TV Saudi yang lagi memutar match replay Indo-Saudi, aku jadi malu ati udah komentar seperti itu.

The Indonesian team showed an excellent play like I've never seen before since maybe 15 years ago. Koordinasi tim yang bagus dan kontrol bola yang lebih matang membuat permainan yang biasanya bikin enek jadi enak diliat. Perjuangannya juga ga habis sampai menit terakhir, walau stamina sudah terlihat berkurang. Terus menerus menekan dan menghalau Saudi team. Lebih seru daripada melihat Totti cs di Serie A yang sekarang star playersnya kalo kesenggol dikit aja suka sok tumbang.

BRAVO Merah Putih! They were just out of luck. Mungkin benar apa kata Shane Falco (Keanu Reeves di The Replacements) saat timnya menang walau bermain buruk, "It's better lucky than good."

Makanya, jangan negative thinking sebelum liat fakta terbarunya. Things change and some for the better.

Kalo soal suudzon, ceritanya memang tentang love-hate relationship-ku sama Saudi. Buku, majalah n internet di Arab memang sensornya agak gila-gilaan. Jadi aku udah ga berharap nemuin Marie Claire or Redbook disini. Saat hype Harry Potter 7, aku juga ga berharap banyak. So, saat semalem, di hari worldwide releasenya, pergilah aku ke Jarir Bookstore untuk menanyakan kapan bukunya terbit disini. In the info booth, I asked reluctantly, "Do you have the new Harry Potter book?", thinking that the answer might be, "Not yet."

Much to my surprise, the answer was, "I'm sorry Ma'am. It was sold out." HAAAAH??!! I didn't believe my ear that I asked again ignorantly, "You have the book?". He answered, "No, Ma'am. But tomorrow there will be another delivery." GULP! Then the shopkeeper asked,"Did you make an order, Ma'am?". I replied with a low voice, "No. I thought it wouldn't be released here today".

Makanya, terlalu suudzon sih. Memang benar di HP ada sihir-sihiran, tapi kan enam buku sebelumnya sudah lolos terbit disini. Masak buku yang terakhir ga lolos juga. Nah, sekarang jadinya belum baca kaaan. (hmmpf.. Tadinya sih pengen nunggu yang paperback edition. Lebih murah :D. Tapi ternyata baru muncul July 2008. Duuuh...)

It's easy to think negatively about things, but it is also easy to think positively. I know, I've been there, both. But thinking positively boost my positive energy while negative thinking drain the energy and soul. My current objective is to find my old self despite all the closed opportunity doors and oppresion. Not easy, but as the Beatles said, "We can work it out".


  1. Mangkenye,emang pada kagak percaya sih Indo maennya bagus.Kita di sini ampe pada sholat tahajud(bukan gue tentunya), biar Indo menang ama Korsel,tp ya udah pada kecapean kali ya, biar kalah tapi cuma 1-0,as always next time better.Jangan sirik,gue baru aja menyelesaikan Harpot 7,well,agak kurang suka karena tiba2 ngerasa kok amerika banget endingnya,tp lebih dari itu gue sedih lo,bkn krn yg pada mati di Harpot,tp karena, suddenly I feel that my childhood is end together with the end of Harry Potter, don't know why....

  2. Udah beli langsung besoknya (malem abis nulis blog). You're right about the 'childhood' part. That's why I tried to read it slowly. Berusaha supaya bacanya bisa semingguan. GATOT! Cuma bisa bertahan 2 hari. Hiks...Habis deh.

  3. gue beli harpot di the borders airport dapet discount 25% plus poster gratuit! Tapi jangan sewot ye, gue baru baca bab terakhir dan epilogue hehehe... abis tebel banget man! buku yg ke-5 dan ke-6 aja masih ngganggur belum kebaca hahaha...


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