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Showing posts from September, 2008

Masuk susaah, keluar susaah _ Hardship of getting in and out of Saudi :(

From all the countries, I've visited, Saudi Arabia is probably the country with the most hassle on visas. It's quite difficult to obtain a visa to enter the country without a definite sponsor. If you work, you also want to make sure that the visa and iqama (residence permit) is in accordance to your contract. Also unlike other countries, which offer tourist visas or visit visa by invitation, as far as I know, up to now KSA only issues visit visa for immediate family of the resident who work. So, it is more difficult to invite my mom, than it is to invite my hubby's. At first, I thought, people can just come with some invitation visa, so that while we're here, our relatives and friends can come over to our place for holiday and perform umroh. Totally wrong.

One expensive craving...

Finally, setelah empat kali gagal liburan, berangkat juga mid August kemaren kita bertiga ke Jakarta. Salah satu pasalnya sih, gara-gara aku yang ngidam pangsit GM :D. Tapi juga, terus terang butuh juga nih sama yang namanya refreshing. Penat rasanya di rumah mulu. Sumuk pula. Padahal AC serumah diidupin semua 24/7. Juga pengen 'cuti' rasanya dari kerjaan sehari-hari. So, walaupun cuma tiga minggu, berasa banget deh liburannnya. Hari-hari di Jakarta diisi apalagi kalo bukan wisata boga. Pertama dateng, kebetulan lagi pas acara tahlilan setahunnya Papi (udah setahun aja, ga berasa. Apalagi, rasanya Papi tuh masih ada aja), jadi for dinner, bakso mami n satenya Rusli. Besoknya langsung nyatronin bakmi GM. Hore, si calon baby kesampean juga dapet pangsit GM. Tiap hari beda-beda makanan. Bener2 deh si calon baby yang ini indulged banget.  Ga heran, 2 minggu di Jakarta beratku naek 5kg.